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Following on from my post yesterday about the broken implementation of the HKHealthStore method deleteObjectsOfType:predicate:withCompletion:, I’ve put together a gist which provides a fixed method that works with HKSampleType objects; deleteSamplesOfType:predicate:withCompletion:
It simply uses the NSPredicate within a HKSampleQuery in order to find any objects that match the HKSampleType and then deletes them with the HKHealthStore method deleteObjects:withCompletion: - this correctly ensures that you are only deleting objects that match both the predicate and type.
By way of example, this simply extends HKHealthStore so you can do something like this:
As a reminder, you can file a duplicate of (rdar://22977320) if you’d like to see the original bug fixed but in the meantime the above should allow you to carry on with your HealthKit app without worrying about deleting other data.
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